Monthly Archives: April 2013

Summer Scarves and Hats


It’s getting warm out and it’s time to grab my sun hats. I just found a great floppy hat but it is really plain. Then I finally remembered a way to use my scarves. I always forget about these small scarves in my closet. But after I bought a plain and inexpensive summer hat I remembered how perfect they would be to spruce the hat up.



Tie the scarves around the hat and tuck in the extra length. Tie them around the hat and let the length fall. Or tie the scarf around and tie the length in a bow. This would be cute with a summer dress.




Enjoy the heat while protecting your skin!

Rain Gutter Book Shelves


My kids have so many books. I am so happy they love books. But storage of books is a whole other problem.  The regular book shelves on the wall are too high for them to reach so we have their favorites all scattered around.

Then at Preschool our Teacher had a plan for their library that she saw on pinterest and I had to steal the idea since it was so easy and great!
The husband loved the idea. He measured the wall, cut the plastic rain gutters, capped the ends and screwed them into the wall.

book shelf gutter cap

book shelf tools

The kids love it! They can see all the books and can grab any of them. And my favorite,  it’s organized!

book shelf done

book shelf kids

Next, we need it done at Preschool.

Trains, Trains and more Trains


My son is obsessed with his trains right now. He received quite a bit at Christmas from family and friends. Daddy would spend so much time helping our soon to be 2 year old put the tracks together just to have then come apart while he was playing, roughly, on the tracks.

Finally we decided it would be better if Daddy glued them down to a board that we could just pull out from under the sofa any time he wanted to play with his trains.



My husband bought a piece of ply wood, sanded down the sides,  and painted it. After we let the board dry he arranged the tracks on the board and nailed them down, using very short nails so it wouldn’t go all the way through. And used liquid nail panel glue to keep the tracks down nice and still.


Needless the say both kids love it! Now they can use the trains and hot wheels all around the track. And it stores away easily under the sofa. Thanks Daddy!


Painting Pants


I bought my daughter some khaki pants thinking it would match all her colorful tops. I wasn’t thinking too hard when I bought them. Of course she’d never wear them, they are neutral! There’s no sparkles, hearts or bows, why would she wear them? We’ve 0wned them for months and I’ve asked weekly if she’d wear them only to have her look past them. Finally it dawned on me that I could paint them with the fabric paint just sitting there collecting dust!

pants heart

I grabbed the pants, a heart cookie cutter for a stencil (that I no longer use for cookies), paint and a sponge brushes.

I put paper towels in the legs where I would be painting so it wouldn’t leak through and painted in the heart stencil.  Let dry for 72 hours as per instructions.


voila! My daughter actually wanted to wear them now.

pants heart holland